Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Duplicate Database on a different server using RMAN dulplicate

Duplicate Database on a different server using RMAN dulplicate.

  1. copy the backup of RMAN back to standby server(new server). Backup Directory structure should same as on Primary side.

  2. Lets assume, password file already created on primary database. So Make sure that we can make connetion as sys user from new server.
  3. Make sure that db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert parameter are set correctly on new AUXILIARY database.
  4. Start the new AUXILIARY database in NOMOUNT state.
    unix$ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQLPLUS> startup nomount

  5. Start RMAN from AUX side and Connect to rman catalog
    unix$ rman
    RMAN> rman/rman1@primcatalog

  6. Connect target(primary) database using sys user
    RMAN> sys/password@primary_db

    1. RMAN> duplicate target database to AUX.
    2. RMAN> duplicate target database to AUX.

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